Une Prière de la fin du XVe siècle: Electronic Edition

Creation of machine readable version: Thomas Field
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Thomas Field

Source: Mondon, Stanislas. Une Prière de la fin du XVe siècle. Revue de Comminges 28 (1913): 162.

  • Publication consists of one text, “sur la couverture de garde d’un relevé de 12 instruments d’inféodation de terres.” Editor notes “dialecte de la Gascogne toulousaine.”

  • No particular editorial problems.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Verbs are in red, auxiliaries and causatives in orange. Passing the cursor over a verb will open a pop-up annotation that provides that form’s analysis (for an explanation of all abbreviations, see here.)
  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...].
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.

PriereM.1 (original), 144 words
Sainte-Foy de Peyrolières (east) late 15th c.

MS. Toulouse, A.D. Haute-Garonne, Fonds de Malte, Ste-Foy de Peyrolières; liasse I, no. 6, late 15th c.

162, 17 O Regina deu cel, font de pieta,
162, 18 Dauna de excellencia e de gran benegnitat, que per ta gran
162, 19 humilitat asaver-; PRS.IND-3SG lo Rey Jhesus en ton bentre birginal portatportar; PST.PTCP-M.SG,

162, 20 O berges humil, dossa e benigna, mayre de diu, spossa dibina,
162, 21 meas pregarias exsaugisexaudir; IMP-2SG; que emesser; PRS.IND-1PL totz spabentatsespaventar; PST.PTCP-M.PL de guerras e
162, 22 grans adbersitatz.

162, 23 O berges Maria, bolhatzvoler; IMP-2SG pregarpregar; INF-0 per nos ton filz que gardeguardar; PRS.SBJV-3SG lo
162, 24 realme de France de tot peril de guerras, de pestilencias, de
162, 25 malautie, de tempestas, gloriosa dauna, e de tota famyna.

162, 26 O berges Maria, quan se vendravenir; FUT-3SG la hora de ma fy, si te platzplazer; PRS.IND-3SG,
162, 27 siasesser; IMP-2SG debers my e gardaguardar; IMP-2SG me del ennemyc, gloriosa dauna, e
162, 28 recepreceber; IMP-2SG mon sperit.

162, 29 O berges Maria, si mon arma eraesser; IMPF-3SG en pena de purgatory, si te
162, 30 platzplazer; PRS.IND-3SG, siasesser; IMP-2SG li aiutori; que ne pasepassar; PRS.SBJV-3SG pena ny turment, mays s en
162, 31 levelevar; PRS.SBJV-3SG la sus aut, en paradis. amen.